Why I Loved Getting My Master’s from Georgetown College


As a green teacher with a passion for learning, research, and reading, I knew a master’s degree in teaching was my next step after completing the Kentucky Teacher Internship Program and my first year in the classroom.  With the number of online programs on the rise, I had options both in and out of state that promised a quality educational experience.  There were many uncertainties – cost, time commitment, quality, and program options.  I am not special; every teacher is faced with the burden of this decision.

However, I did have some insight and experience that made my decision an easy one.  As an alum of Georgetown College’s undergraduate education program and a former graduate education student worker, I saw firsthand the quality of the professors and curriculum at Georgetown College. I found comfort in the fact that Georgetown College had been accommodating teacher schedules through weekend meetings and email submissions long before the popular move to online courses.  I knew that I would be treated as a pupil and not a number or profit at Georgetown College.

Online Format Stimulates Learning

Admittedly, I was initially unsure of the online format. Even with my past experiences and trust in Georgetown, I didn’t know if I would be able to receive the same attention from professors and camaraderie from classmates. I was pleasantly surprised as I dove into my Teacher Leader and English as a Second Language coursework.  The peers in my cohort were diverse in location and perspective, and pushed me to think outside of my school and district.  The professors were extremely accessible and never too busy to respond to a discussion board or personal email.  My time was respected, and I was treated like a professional; I appreciated the flexibility to research, read, and write before school, when I got home at night, or on the weekends.  The asynchronous options (discussion boards, recorded web meetings) stimulated my learning and provided me with applicable information I immediately incorporated into my classroom.  I don’t feel that I sacrificed any quality in choosing an online format over an evening or 100% in-person degree.

I was immediately impressed by the ease of the application process and clear-cut degree programs.  As an educator with an initial certification from undergraduate studies, I had the option of a degree in teacher leadership and multiple endorsements or several special education degrees.  Being cognizant of Kentucky’s rank system (a classification of teachers based level of education attained), I kept in mind the possibility of an Ed.S. later when choosing my initial master’s.  I feel confident in the foundation I have in my master’s and two endorsements from Georgetown College.  I loved getting my master’s from Georgetown College because of the experienced professors and staff, well-thought-out and intentional curriculum, affordability, and the schedule tailored to working educators.

During these one-on-one virtual meetings, we will discuss the program formats, application process, financial aid, payment plans, and any specific questions that you may have.
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