What Are the Advantages of a Master’s Degree in Literacy Specialist with Teacher Leader Endorsement?
Which graduate program is right for me? What benefits are there to attaining a master’s degree as a literacy specialist with a teacher leader endorsement? When one is shopping through the master’s degree catalog, it can be more than overwhelming to know what is best for you. Upon finishing the M.A.Ed. in literacy specialist with […]
Alumni Spotlight: Whitli Pridemore, M.A.Ed. in Literacy Specialist with Teacher Leader Endorsement
Whitli graduated from Georgetown College with an M.A.Ed. in Literacy Specialist with Teacher Leader Endorsement and currently works as a fourth-grade ELA and fifth-grade writing teacher for an elementary school in Kentucky. Whitli boasts multiple accomplishments and responsibilities across her professional career, so we asked her to tell us about another one: her pursuit of her master’s […]