Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Jason Reeves, Former Dean of Education, Education Department Faculty Member, Educational Leadership and Administration, Teacher Leadership, Curriculum and Instruction Programs

Meet the passionate Dr. Jason Reeves, Former Dean of Education, Education Department Faculty Member of Educational Leadership and Administration, Teacher Leadership, Curriculum and Instruction Programs. What programs do you teach at Georgetown College? What drew you to this field of study? What keeps you excited about it? I teach primarily within the Educational Leadership and Teacher […]

Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Gregory Goins, Director of Educational Leadership

Meet Georgetown College’s Director of Educational Leadership, Dr. Greg Goins, an experienced educator of more than 25 years, who trains administrators and superintendents. What programs do you teach at Georgetown College? What drew you to these fields of study? What keeps you excited about them? As the Director of Educational Leadership, I’m responsible for all […]

Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Kara Rusk-Jenney, Lecturer of Education, School Counseling and Moderate/Severe Disabilities Certification Programs

Meet Georgetown College’s Dr. Kara Rusk-Jenney, Lecturer of Education, School Counseling and Moderate/Severe Disabilities Certification Programs, and experience her passion for special education. What programs do you teach at Georgetown College? What drew you to these fields of study? What keeps you excited about them? At Georgetown College, I teach in the Moderate and Severe Disabilities and Learning […]

Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Melody Deprez, Graduate Professor of Learning and Behavior Disorders

What programs do you teach at Georgetown College? What drew you to this field of study? What keeps you excited about it? I teach in the M.A.Ed. Learning and Behavior Disorders and Moderate to Severe Disabilities programs. Disabilities personally impacted me since I grew up with two uncles who had mental and physical disabilities.   I am excited about the new […]

During these one-on-one virtual meetings, we will discuss the program formats, application process, financial aid, payment plans, and any specific questions that you may have.
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