How Georgetown College Made the Admissions Process Easy


Choosing the right college is crucial in paving a pathway to a successful career in any educational field. Georgetown College master’s programs are a top college choice for a plethora of reasons, but first and foremost, the ease of the application and admission process.

Diving into continuing education requires knowledge of resources available to applicants, and knowing specifically the resources at Georgetown College can make the first step to applying so much easier.

Available Resources

Georgetown College’s flexibility within the programs was one of the main reasons I chose their program. They also have a wide variety of programs for applicants to choose from. I was starting in education, therefore I only had to choose between the initial certification and the alternate route, but once certified, there is a vast number of options to choose from.

Once accepted into the program, the university provides ample resources for students, including a great online library with access to thousands of peer-reviewed articles, wonderful professors, helpful textbooks, mentors, peer relationships, and a great advisor to guide you each step of the way.

Of these, I would say the connections I made with my mentors, peers, professors, and advisors were the most essential resources, and many are still in touch with me today. Besides the obvious, there were also many little things that these people gave me that helped me become a stronger educator and through collaboration, I was able to do the same in return.

Helpful and Accessible Advisors

The advisor assigned to me was incredibly helpful and even more amazing at communicating virtually. Since I chose to do a virtual program, I rarely was on campus since I live a couple of hours away. I was a student at Georgetown prior to the pandemic, and I have so much respect for the staff at Georgetown for being ahead of their time when it comes to virtual learning and advising.

My advisor and I communicated through email and phone most of the time and a few times in person when I happened to be in the area. Every experience with my advisor was a positive one; even when I was struggling to work full time, go to college full time, and take care of a brand new baby, my advisor had my back the entire time.

I never felt lost in my program. There are hoops to jump through, but I never felt like jumping through the hoops alone. My advisor was there for me every step of the way and is still a mentor to me to this day.

Locating Information and Navigating Requirements

The first thing I had to do once I decided to get my masters was tracking down important program information. Georgetown’s website is easy to navigate to get all necessary information. Depending on what route applicants decide to take, the requirements can be tricky. As with any program, applicants must send in appropriate paperwork and forms. All of this information is found on the website, which is organized by programs.

Georgetown has narrowed its application questions down to the essentials, which is why the online application only takes about 10 minutes to complete. More impressive, it can be completed on any electronic devices, such as a cell phone, iPad, or computer. Once applicants have reserved a seat in the program, they will be required to submit several more items depending on which graduate program they are applying to.

This process is painless, and there is help each step of the way. I never felt like I was not going to get all of the paperwork done promptly even though my decision to become a teacher was a last-minute decision. The program worked with me to make sure I could accomplish my goals in time for the school year to start.

Financial Aid

There are many financial aid options available to students who pursue their degrees at Georgetown College. While many scholarships are for first-year college students, there are plenty available to those continuing education. Scholarships and grants are excellent tools for students since they do not have to pay them back as long as they complete their program.

Sometimes, scholarships are not an option, so many students have to take out loans. Thankfully this is an easy process as well. The people who work at the financial aid office are knowledgeable and can help prospective students get their forms filled out correctly to get loans.

It was also important to know about the teacher loan forgiveness program and public service loan forgiveness program to help me pay off my loans after I graduated. The advisors in the financial aid office were knowledgeable enough also to help me look into these programs to determine which would be the best option.

The admission process at Georgetown College is straightforward. When deciding which college to attend, Georgetown provided the most flexibility with scheduling and had the most efficient admission process. Due to timing, I didn’t have much time to jump through all of the required hoops to obtain my teaching certification. Still, thankfully the quick process at Georgetown helped me quickly and efficiently enroll in the alternate route to the certification program.

This program allowed me to work a full-time teaching job while attending virtual classes to obtain my permanent certification. Not only did my advisor help me with all of the paperwork involved in the program, but she also helped me to make sure that I had a position at a qualifying school.

*Updated February 2022
During these one-on-one virtual meetings, we will discuss the program formats, application process, financial aid, payment plans, and any specific questions that you may have.
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